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Coastal Contours and Geneo

Beauty from Within

Coastal Countours and Wellness, located in Mobile, AL was started by Michael and Susan Bruno and they have been growing by leaps and bounds ever since. Their mission is to help other people with their wellness, their health, and their overall image of themselves. They cater to a broad range of age groups with the treatments they offer. Susan noted, “So probably are biggest age group is the 30 to 50 group and then there is another subgroup—second in line would be the 50 to 60 age and over group.”

She noted that with the Geneo, “You’ll have great results from it well into 2, 3, 4 weeks. It’s incredible, you look beautiful. You’re beautiful to begin with but we make it even more obvious.”

Geneo Makes Beauty More Obvious

At Coastal Contours they leverage the approachability of the Geneo treatment being non-invasive to intro clients. “We find that the Geneo system starts as a great way to get people into the office. Because it is such a unique treatment, this is a cutting-edge treatment that uses great products, all-natural. It’s very healing, very soothing, so we’re able to treat anything from blemishes and acne to fine lines and wrinkles, rosacea, and things like that.” Bruno says.

The team at Coastal Contours spoke about our patented Geneo technology, “We’re actually affecting the deeper levels of the skin to help oxygenate them. Oxygenating the skin is huge. Very important for sending the peptides and anti-oxidants deeper into the skin for longer healing and longer improvement in the skin. That’s why I think the initial glow that they get when they come out is so significant.”. They also shared their success with both immediate and lasting results, “It’s beautiful. And it really does last. It works over time. If you keep doing them 4 to 6 weeks apart you will literally see people’s skin lifting and tightening itself, reducing the fine lines and wrinkles.”

Geneo: A Natural Treatment for Acne Prone Skin

Susan is a big proponent of the Geneo Charcoal Facial. “We use the Geneo Charcoal Facial the younger groups with acne issues that start at 15 or 16 and go to their late 20’s. We start off with the Charcoal Balance treatment which is super detoxifying and very cleansing. There are a lot of characteristics of charcoal that you can’t get anywhere else.”

She went on to further say, “In terms of the acne, I just can’t begin to tell you how amazing the results are. We’ve had kids with cystic acne, all kinds of different issues with their skin and it not only clears up the blemishes but is clears the scarring as well. It works well with other treatments also. We also have the Hydralux facial, it’s more extracting if you have a lot of clogged pores. But everyone who comes in may have a lot of deep clogged pores. The other facials we have don’t get as deep into the skin layers. That is the biggest difference.’

And Then There’s Maskne

Coastal Contours uses the Geneo to fight the recent skin condition known as ‘maskne’. “This whole maskne thing that’s going on. It’s not necessarily acne but its skin irritations from wearing a mask and having CO2 stuck in there in your skin. That’s one of the benefits of this product is that we’re able to increase the oxygen in your skin. It happens to all age groups. People are coming in and saying, ‘I’ve never had acne’ and I tell them it’s not really acne. So I talk to them about it and tell them about the super results with Geneo.”

The Geneo Is So Exciting It Sells Itself

Susan enthused, “It’s so exciting. It’s so progressive. I love it. My clients love it. If I tell people about it they want to do it. It’s simple because there’s nothing out there that does what the Geneo does. It has 3 steps. Your first step is the cleansing, detoxifying, taking off the first layer of dead skin cells. Then there is ultrasound which infuses the serums that we use deeper into the skin. Then there’s the massage step where you’re increasing lymphatic draining and you’re increasing blood flow. You’re actually not affecting topically, but you’re getting into the skin layers for infusion. That’s why it lasts a good long time.”

Mix & Match Packages A Natural Geneo Win

They have been creative with the versatility offered between each Geneo treatment. “We have got some amazing results with a 3-pack package. They come in once a week for 3 weeks. It’s usually for people who have skin conditions that they are trying to clear up whether its super dry skin, whether its acne prone…which is probably our most common in terms of using the package. But we use combination therapy as well. We use the Geneo for the first treatment to really help detox the pores and the skin and then we’ll use a more extracting treatment and then on the third treatment we go back with the Geneo.  We use the Revive or the Illuminate to give it that final glow, that final moisturizing phase that we really want to have for our clients.”

The customizable protocol process has also proved successful, “We might also mix and match the different protocols within Geneo rather than just keeping to one protocol every time for the package. Clients’ needs may differ as they go through skincare treatments. It just depends on the person’s skin. It is very individualized.” Leveraging the customizable can go a long way with customer loyalty.

The Champagne Facial

The team found a way to take customizing the Geneo even further.  “The Geneo Facial is kind of fun. This is very well thought out. It’s an amazing design. It’s a great treatment. It’s so easy to use. And it’s so different. So starting from the very initial OxyPod, there’s a little pod that we use that combines with the gel that we put on the skin. That starts to bubble as you do the treatment. It’s so fun and it’s tingly on the skin. We call it the champagne facial because of all the little bubbles.”

A typical Geneo facial at Coastal Contours without adding anything extra typically lasts about 30 minutes. They may supplement the Geneo facial with an added extraction service or a clay mask with steam—depending on what the client is looking for. For an extra pampering touch, they add hand massage and facial massage. For a regular Gene Facial the price is  $149 per treatment. The package is $298 for a three-pack so the customer is getting one treatment for free.

Coastal Contours & Wellness

Coastal Contours and Wellness was started by Michael and Susan Bruno several years ago in Mobile, AL Their philosophy is to help people with their wellness, their health, and their overall image of themselves. They specialize in all-natural, non-invasive, non-UV health and wellness products and procedures to keep you looking and feeling your best.

Their tagline is, “You’re beautiful to begin with but we make it even more obvious.” They provide natural health and wellness services for facials, body contouring, body slimming, body toning, whole-body red light therapy, photobiomodulation, and pulsed electromagnetic frequency therapy.